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SRee Gravel: Buzau and Nearby
Ploieşti Buzău eumis008
Created on 6/24/2024
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Discover this 602.6 km bike route that starts in Ploieşti and ends in Buzău. It has a cumulative ascent of more than 11120m.
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PC1, Km 0, start: Ploiesti, Statuia lui Mihai Viteazul PC2, Km 46 Zâmbroaia, end of street PC3, Km 129 Plaiul Nucului, Pensiunea Lacul Zânelor PC4, Km 186 Comandău, Foișorul celor 3 provincii PC5, Km 208 Comandău, indicator localitate PC6, Km 256 Cașoca, Cascada Pruncea (Cașoca) PC7, Km 312 Vama Buzăului, Cascada Urlatoarea PC8, Km 355 Măneciu, indicator panoramic PC9, Km 383 Cheia, Cimitirul Eroilor Tabla Butii PC10, Km 441 Curmătura, monument crucea PC11, Km 457 Colți, Muzeul Chihlimbarului PC12, Km 485 Brăești, monument crucea PC13, Km 522 Jitia, indicator localitate PC14, Km 569 Pâclele, Vulcanii Noroioși Pâclele Mari PC15, Km 602, finish Buzau, Muzeul Judetean
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