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SRee(G): Bucovina Mountain Pass (SR-G-RO-07-BP)
Sadova Chiril eumis008
Created on 10/19/2022
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Discover this 618.8 km bike route that starts in Sadova and ends in Chiril. It has a cumulative ascent of more than 10380m.
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15 km de offroad (km 383-398) PC1, start, Sadova, Primarie (foto: Poarta "Satul cu Oameni Frumosi") PC2, km 51, Manastirea Sucevita PC3, km 72, Pasul Palma, Monument PC4, km 123, Rarau, Indicator Chiril 11 / Pojorata 17 PC5, km 157, Frasin, Bucovina Parc PC6, km 205, Brosteni, Monumentul Eroilor PC7, km 275, Baraj Izvorul Muntelui - Bicaz, Crucea In Memoriam PC8, km 306, Durau, Indicator iesire localitate PC9, km 355, Borsec, intrare Ape Minerale Borsec PC10, km 421, Vatra Dornei, indicator intrare localitate PC11, km 502, Complex Turistic Borsa, indicator Mocanita 33 km PC12, km 516, Pasul Prislop, Monument PC13, km 572, Pasul Mestecanis, Indicator Mestecanis PC14, km 587, Pojorata, Centrul Cultural Pietrele Doamnei PC15, km 611, Chiril, Indicator foisor PC16, km 619, Hotel Alpin Rarau
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